Tuesday 26 October 2010

Our Erotic Book Club in
Time Out

Oooooh! Our Erotic Book Club is featured in a little write up in this week's Time Out Magazine!

As they so eloquently put it:

"Think that book clubs are all about Healthcliffe, Darcy and Mr Rochester? Here's a naughtly little soirée to prove you otherwise. At this alternative book club, there's a new saucy fiction each month (this month it's 'Emmanuelle', so get flicking quickly) to get your teeth into alongside a young, hip east London audience (and not a crusty old lech in sight!). What's more, it's free and you're encouraged to bring a bottle too."

Check out the review here and come along to our next book club, held on the last Thursday of the month at the fantastic Bokship at Donlon Books

1 comment:

  1. The Erotic Book Club sounds like a capital idea.

    Would you mind asking the members the following questions on my behalf:

    - If they were reading a memoir about a person's involvement in BDSM, would they prefer that scene descriptions were short and hinted, or extended and explicit?

    - Would they be reading this book mainly to find out more about the person or to get aroused?

    - Would they mind being seen reading such a book in public or is it something they would rather do behind closed doors?

    I am asking all this because I am trying to determine my audience's preferences and would love some input. I can be reached via IC or via comments on my blog.

    Thanking you in advance.

    Contessa dei Fiori
