Thursday 14 October 2010

Selfridges Shoe Galleries

Ever since Selfridges announced they were re-opening their Shoe Galleries, we had been chomping at the bit waiting to get a peek. The numbers alone were impressive: "With 55000 shoes in stock at any one time and 4000 shoes on display from over 150 brands", This was indeed a cathedral to consumption.

Alas, to be honest dear readers, we were hoping for a little more. The place is lovely, rich coloured seats, dark lighting and literally piles and piles of shiny spiky stilettos jumping out at you. I guess it's just the way things are now, but there really wasn't much new, about the "New Shoe Galleries". Once you've seen the seasonal collection of heels from Office in their high street store, nice as they may be, there really isn't much to yelp about seeing them again in a pretty new setting. That seemed to pretty much be the problem, there were hundreds of shoes, from lots of well known brands, but all of which we'd seen before. For such a monument to foot fetishists, there really wasn't much that grabbed your attention. The leap from high street shoes, up to extortionate designer artworks was left with a chasm of lacking choice for anything in the middle. It was either spend £75 on the latest heels from your regular high street brand or £1700 on something garish from Gucci.

Of course there is always the exception that proves the rule. Monsieur Louboutin's boutique at the back of the galleries, was as always exceptional. Filled to the brim with the aphrodisiac heels and lustful gasps from the shoppers. The young man in the bow tie helping ladies put their shoes on, was living every foot fetishists dream doing his day job. Christian if you ever need someone to help out around the shop, Robin is always available.

One final thing to note, were these rather obscure and fantastic creations from Chau Har Lee seemingly exclusive to Selfridges on a made to order basis they quite took our breath away. Alas they also come with a price tag that we can't quite muster just yet. If the galleries had had a few more exciting finds like these dotted around and a few less generic brands (Chanel and River Island we're looking at you) cluttering up the fantasy it would have been quite perfect.

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